Hello folks! We have more to talk about so sit down and enjoy reading! So one day, my parents said, “We are going to Florida for Thanksgiving!” and I said, “YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE TO DRAG ME ONTO THE PLANE!” And they said, “Okay, we won’t go there,” and I was like wow that was easy. Then one week later my parents said we are going to Massachusetts and I said ok let’s go. One week later we are ready to go and we have a 6:00 am flight so I was really tired because we live 30 minutes away. I woke up at 5:15 and drove to the airport. We got on the plane, went 600 miles an hour and got to Massachusetts. Then we drove 15 minutes to my uncle’s house and he has 3 kids. They are my cousins and they are named Brooks, Cooper and Wyatt. We played with them but it was hard because they are 6, 4,and 2 so they just like breaking things. My dad and my brother, my cousin that is 6 and I played horse (the basketball game). I got second. Then we got some food and were on our way to Cape Cod where we were staying. This is my grandparents’ house and it was a long drive. When we got there I said hi to my grandma (my grandpa died 3 years ago) and gave her a big hug. So nothing happened for the first 2 days then my brother and I made a big leaf pile! We jumped into it but that was it. Then my cousins came and they are a lot to take care of. But we have a thing where my brother, my two older cousins, all of my little cousins and I get in the closet. We eat crackers and we assign rankings to each other. My older cousins are Sergeants and my brother is a Sergeant in training and my cousins that are named Ahana and Cabire are Sargeant in training in training and my other cousins that are named Brooks and Cooper are what we call little magoons and they are the lowest rank. Then we had burgers for dinner and watched a movie and then went to bed. When we woke up on Tuesday, my uncle and my dad already started to cook the brisket for dinner. We call it ‘brisky’ and then we went through the day and we played a lot of football. We had the brisky for dinner and it was really good! It was a little fatty but other than that it was really good. After dinner we watched another movie called Spirited. It was so good! We watched it last year and it was still so good. If you have not watched it I have to highly recommend it. Then we went to bed on Tuesday and woke up on Thursday and then all we did that day was, yes, play more football. I forget what we had for dinner but it was good. Then we watched another movie! Sorry for all of the same stuff but the movie we watched is now my most favorite move ever. It is called Top Gun Maverick. It is so good and if you have not watched it you have been living under a rock! But if you have been living under a rock go watch it 100%. Then we went to bed and woke up on the big day… it was Thanksgiving! We went on a walk to the beach. We missed the parade but that was ok so we all got back and then my uncle, my dad, my cousin who is 6 months older than me and I buttered the turkey. My dad got the grill going but there was a problem; the grill was too smokey and we could not put the turkey on it. Long story short, after one hour we decided to put the turkey in the oven instead of the green egg which is a type of grill but then two hours later we put it in the green egg to get some smoke flavor on it. Then we ate it and it was so good it was crazy. After lunch we played dominos and then went to bed. I am only going to say we packed a lot on Friday and nothing happened. Then we left early on Saturday and had a safe flight back to our house and that was my Thanksgiving. Bye bye.