Hello folks! We have more to talk about so sit down and enjoy reading! So one day, my parents said, “We are going to Florida for Thanksgiving!” and I said, “YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE TO DRAG ME ONTO THE PLANE!” And they said, “Okay, we won’t go there,” and I was like wow that was easy. Then one week later my parents said we are going to Massachusetts and I said ok let’s go. One week later we are ready to go and we have a 6:00 am flight so I was really tired because we live 30 minutes away. I woke up at 5:15 and drove to the airport. We got on the plane, went 600 miles an hour and got to Massachusetts. Then we drove 15 minutes to my uncle’s house and he has 3 kids. They are my cousins and they are named Brooks, Cooper and Wyatt. We played with them but it was hard because they are 6, 4,and 2 so they just like breaking things. My dad and my brother, my cousin that is 6 and I played horse (the basketball game). I got second. Then we got some food and were on our way to Cape Cod where we were staying. This is my grandparents’ house and it was a long drive. When we got there I said hi to my grandma (my grandpa died 3 years ago) and gave her a big hug. So nothing happened for the first 2 days then my brother and I made a big leaf pile! We jumped into it but that was it. Then my cousins came and they are a lot to take care of. But we have a thing where my brother, my two older cousins, all of my little cousins and I get in the closet. We eat crackers and we assign rankings to each other. My older cousins are Sergeants and my brother is a Sergeant in training and my cousins that are named Ahana and Cabire are Sargeant in training in training and my other cousins that are named Brooks and Cooper are what we call little magoons and they are the lowest rank. Then we had burgers for dinner and watched a movie and then went to bed. When we woke up on Tuesday, my uncle and my dad already started to cook the brisket for dinner. We call it ‘brisky’ and then we went through the day and we played a lot of football. We had the brisky for dinner and it was really good! It was a little fatty but other than that it was really good. After dinner we watched another movie called Spirited. It was so good! We watched it last year and it was still so good. If you have not watched it I have to highly recommend it. Then we went to bed on Tuesday and woke up on Thursday and then all we did that day was, yes, play more football. I forget what we had for dinner but it was good. Then we watched another movie! Sorry for all of the same stuff but the movie we watched is now my most favorite move ever. It is called Top Gun Maverick. It is so good and if you have not watched it you have been living under a rock! But if you have been living under a rock go watch it 100%. Then we went to bed and woke up on the big day… it was Thanksgiving! We went on a walk to the beach. We missed the parade but that was ok so we all got back and then my uncle, my dad, my cousin who is 6 months older than me and I buttered the turkey. My dad got the grill going but there was a problem; the grill was too smokey and we could not put the turkey on it. Long story short, after one hour we decided to put the turkey in the oven instead of the green egg which is a type of grill but then two hours later we put it in the green egg to get some smoke flavor on it. Then we ate it and it was so good it was crazy. After lunch we played dominos and then went to bed. I am only going to say we packed a lot on Friday and nothing happened. Then we left early on Saturday and had a safe flight back to our house and that was my Thanksgiving. Bye bye.
Ok we got a lot to talk about in the football world so I am going to go over that today so if you have seen my other blog https://30finny.edublogs.org/2023/10/06/baseball-scores/ you know that I can’t go over every football teams games so I go over 2 and there is a link to where you can see all of the games any time https://www.nfl.com/scores/ ok now lets get into the games. So first we have the the chargers vs the lions and the lions started of with a bang with 10 points early but then the chargers got 3 back with a field goal then in the second the chargers tied it up but then the lions took the lead again then the chargers tied it up again with a touchdown and then the lions took the lead with another touchdown then the half ended then the chargers tied it up with another touchdown and then the lions took the lead with another touchdown this game is crazy then into the last quarter the chargers tied it up again with another touchdown then the lions took the lead with a field goal then the chargers took the lead with another touchdown then the lions took the Lead with a touchdown and that was it. The lions win 41-38. And last there is the broncos and the bills. And if you know anything about football you know that the bills are good and the broncos are bad so we will se if that will stand so the games scoring starts with a broncos field goal and that was all of the scoring for the first quarter then in the second quarter the scoring took of and the broncos got a touchdown the bad broncos took a 10-0 lead then the bills answer with a field goal. Then get another field goal and then they got a safety so the score in now 8-10 then in the third quarter the bills got a touchdown and the bills took the lead 15-10 and that was all of the scoring in the 3rd then the broncos got a touchdown but there kicker missed the extra point so they only got 6 instead on 7 then the bills got a touchdown and made the extra point. So the score is now 22-15 then the broncos got a field goal to make it 22-18 then another field goal to make it 21-22 then they got the ball back with 1:23 seconds and and drive down the field and line up for a 40 yard field goal with 5 second left to go. AND THE KICK IS UP AND IT IS…NO GOOD BILLS WIN wait there is a flag there was 12 men on the field. So if you did not know you can only have 11 on the field and it is a 5 yard penalty so it is from 35 yards. THE KICK IS UP AND IT IS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD BRONCOS WIN BRINCOS WIN. Ok it wasn’t like that but I am a broncos fan so it felt like that.so Ya that is football. BY BY.
Ok folks so it is that time again. It is Halloween! So I am going to go over some things today about Halloween. Some cool facts about Halloween are #1 is that 19century immigrants brought Halloween to the us specifically the Irish and the Europeans and I am half Irish so you can thank me. Another cool fact is that candy corn was originally called chicken feed. If you don’t know what I am talking about when I say candy corn you have to go back to your alien planet! Even if you thunk candy corn tastes like a decorated candle that is fine with me but if you have never heard of that in your life then you have to go away because candy corn is the one of the best Halloween candies. But candy corn was originally called chicken feed because the American workforce shaped candy corn in different shapes such as chicken feed. Some traditions in my family are one leaving candy on our porch for the tricker treaters and carving pumpkins because it is fun. Then we have candy and I like tricker treating more than just getting candy, but I still like candy. My favorite candy is sour patch kids then skittles but I did not get much sour patch kids this year which made me sad. I got a lot of skittles and all of my friends thought my favorite candy was skittles so they all got me skittles. I now have the share size bag of skittles which is like the biggest size.
So that was cool but I don’t know what to do with all of the skittles. If you want to buy some $3 a bag I know that you were thinking that ohh that is the deal of a life time but that is for the little bag . $25.50 for the big bag… that’s what I thought. Ok now let’s get in to what I did tricker treating. So we started at one of my friend’s houses and started tricker treating. But as I was walking to her house I saw a house with fun dip and I went there and got a bag. Then I went to her house so we started of with the house next to the fun dip person’s house then we got candy and headed to the fun dip person’s house again so then I got two. As I am walking away I see my friend running down her drive way with 4 fun dips and I said, “You are going to get arrested for that!” Then we ran away and then we went to a lot of other houses and nothing happened so that was all we did. Then I got home and sorted my candy and that was my Halloween . goodbye
Ok folks I have a lot to talk about. So I go to school one day and my teacher says pack your bag soldiers we are going to war. Not really but it felt like that because we had to go to a camp in the middle of nowhere in a tropical storm for 2 days. And I was like there is no way we go on this trip. So I go home thinking I don’t have to go on a long road trip to the middle of nowhere. So the next day when I got to school and I heard the words, “We are going on the trip in the middle of nowhere, I wanted to go jump off a cliff. So 4 days later when it was the morning of the trip I was sad because I thought I was going to die. So I get on then bus and I am sitting next to my friend Kareem. We had lots of pop tarts so I was good to go. Then 1 and a half hours later it started to rain really hard! Then 30 minutes later we had to get off the bus but it was pouring rain and we had to run to a picnic shelter cover. After that I had to find my bag but the problem was there were like 56 other bags and 2 of them were mine so 15 minutes later I finally found my bag and sat down. Then the counselors introduced themselves and told us what a fun time we were going to have which was funny because we were in the middle of a tropical storm and I was convinced we were going to die. So then the counselors said some more stuff we got split up into groups to go to our cabin. I was with all of my friends in the cabin so that was good. We unpacked and went to go to lunch and it was the worst meal of the trip by far. It was hamburger buns with some mystery meat and really bad cheese. I do not recommend! 0.2 stars out of 7. Then we had to get a bathing suit on to go to the pool and the swim test was jut swim to the other end of the pool. I’m not going to lie, this pool was really nice but the swim test was really easy. I saw a couple of people just doggy paddling and still passed. Like what if they get tired and have to get saved? That is not a good look for Camp Kirkwood. But that did not happen and the pool was fun. We played a game called moss which is where some kid throws the ball in the air and lots of kids jump for the ball and whoever catches the ball gets to throw the ball the next round. And that was really fun. Then… We got back to the cabin and changed. We went to a thing called the Kanga Jump and it is like a bouncy ball half in the ground and half not and it is really bouncy and that was fun. But, I got all sandy and that ruined my day because that’s a horrible feeling.
Later that day we went to team work and then it started to rain really hard. That is when I realized that this was going to be the worst trip I had ever been on and I was right. Once we were done with team building I wanted to go home so badly. Then we got to go back to the cabin and change. The shower was really nice and then we had to go to dinner. They served spaghetti and meat sauce. That was the best meal of the trip by far. It was so good that we used croutons to dip in meat sauce. They were also really good. 5.3 stars out of 7 .
Then we went back to our cabin got ready to go to the covered area and play dodgeball, but some others sat in side and watched a movie. We were playing dodgeball and there was a pink ball. If you got it in the basketball hoop your team wins! I got it in the hoop and it was fun but it was pouring rain. We had to go back to the dining hall because there were serving snow cones. I got all wet and it was not fun but we just stayed in the dining hall because no one wanted to go outside in the hurricane! We finally got back to our cabin all wet and had to change again. Then we had some time before we could go to sleep so we looked around our cabin and some kid found a giant hole on the top of one of the walls and it said Megan. We all got scared that there was a ghost haunting our cabin and her name was Megan! So we were all scared to go to bed but Mr. Lantzy made us go to bed (we didn’t die).
The next morning when we woke up the the water from the lake was surrounding our cabin! Before we went to bed the lake was add least 100 yards away. So that was really scary and we had to jump over the water to get to soggy ground which in our minds was a lot better than a pool of water by our cabin. So then we went to breakfast which was Eggo waffles and sausage and watered down eggs. Not as bad as you think! 4.5 stars out of 7. Then we went to I forgot what it was called but we talked about trees and it was so boring I wanted to fall asleep so badly, but then we went back to the Kanga jump so that woke me up. This time one of my cabin mates and I were really prepared because we wore long pants and long sleeve shirts so we would not get all sandy. And it worked! All of the other people that we were with got all sandy. After that we had lunch and it was ok. They made chili dogs which were really ok: 3.9 out of 7. Then we went to the v swing and it was the second most fun thing we did all trip! It was so fun!
Next, we went back to the cabin to get dressed for the pool and the pool was fun like usual then we went back to the cabin and changed. We went to a s’mores thing and the s’mores were ok but we all wanted to go to bed. Once we were all in bed we all fell asleep so fast it was funny. Then it was the last day and we had breakfast that was cereal. It was really bad: 2.1 stars out of 7. Then we went canoeing and there were 4 people per canoe and I started steering and that did not go too badly. My other friend Aaron wanted to steer but after he ran us into a rock we had my other friend Diego steer. The pro canoeing person who was making sure we did not flip was giving us a hard time. He called Diego who was steering Jimmy and he said, “Jimmy what are you doing? Are you ok Jimmy?” and it was really funny. Then in desperation we put me in the back and Callan who was the motor the whole time in the front. They called me the Yamaha motor because we were going so fast. Callan was steering well so we got back to shore and then went to the zip line which was my favorite part of the whole trip. It was so fun but we had to wait in a long line which took a long time, but when I got to the top it was really scary! I closed my eyes and jumped and made it then the rest was just really fun. Once I made it to the bottom, I was sad that it was over.
After zip lining, we went to pet a pig which was really weird but fun. Then we played gaga and basketball and then we had to go home. So I went back to my cabin and packed up and took all of my stuff to the covering where all of the other stuff is then we had a long boring (but important) talk about saying thanks to all of the cooks. We did that and lunch was pizza, also ok: 3.2356 stars out of 7. Then we had another boring talk about something I was not listening to (sorry teachers) but then we could get on the bus. Apparently I put my stuff in the wrong place and they threw all of our stuff of the bus and a teacher would not let us get on the buss until everyone else was on the bus so I did not get to sit with my friends! It turned out okay because one kid switched with me so I was closer to my friends which was good. So to give a rating for everything, the food was a 3.5 out of 7, the activities were a 4.6 out of 7, and the overall experience was a 3.678 out of 7 (not great). When I got home I told my parents about how bad it was so ya that was my bad but memorable 6th grade trip. (Here are some photos from the trip taken by our teachers). I am the kid with two hats on one blue and one black.

Over the summer The DA 2030 graduates got assigned a book called Finding Someplace Dana Lewis Patrick. And if you did not know I am in that class so when I saw that was an assigned book I got really sad because I don’t like reading (sorry Mrs Williams). But when I started reading the book I started to like reading a little bit more! The book is about a girl named Reesie who survived Hurricane Katrina and she Is saved by her neighbor. I am not going to tell you all of the book because I don’t want to spoil it. Then 9 days latter I finished the book and we had to go back to school which made me sad because I don’t like school.(sorry Mr, Meredith). When I got into my LA class we had to do a writing project on who we thought was the hero in the book which made me sad because I don’t like writing (sorry to basically every teacher I have ever had). But once I finished I was really proud because I did it and it was good. By the way I chose Mrs. Martine because she is the neighbor that saved Reesie. HERE IT IS!

got ya. Kidding… Ok here it is:

I took this photo.
Then I was celebrating because I made this cool essay then scary Mrs. Willams was like NOW YOU GOT TO MAKE A BACKPACK FOR MY CLASS! Ok it wasn’t that scary but to me it felt scary because I thought that maybe there was a hurricane coming and she was having us practice, but then I remembered it was school and they would not do that to us. The project was really fun and I did it fast. So here it is. These are the things I would put in my backpack if I had to evacuate like Reesie had to!

I took this photo
Ok so today in the great sport of baseball there were a lot of really good games.For me this is when the games are best because there are 3 games left in the regular season and every one is fighting for a playoff spot. So let’s get in to it.so we are only going to […]